Quick Start

The goal with Knightbus was to build a fast and simple messaging library that supports having multiple active messaging transports at the same time. There are many messaging frameworks available, but most of them are very complex and only support one active message transport, forcing developers to choose a fit-all messaging stack.


Find the official KnightBus packages at NuGet.org : https://www.nuget.org/profiles/BookBeat

Processing Messages

public class CommandProcessor : IProcessCommand<SampleCommand, SampleSettings>,
    public CommandProcessor(ISomeDependency dependency)
        //You can use bring your own container for dependency injection

    public Task ProcessAsync(SampleCommand message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        //Your code goes here
        return Task.CompletedTask;

public class SampleCommand : IServiceBusCommand
    public string Message { get; set; }

public class SampleCommandMapping : IMessageMapping<SampleCommand>
    public string QueueName => "your-queue-name";

public class SampleSettings : IProcessingSettings
    //These settings can be re-used by multiple message processors
    public int MaxConcurrentCalls => 100; //How many concurrent messages do you want to process
    public TimeSpan MessageLockTimeout => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); //How long should you process before considering the message hung
    public int DeadLetterDeliveryLimit => 1; //How many retries before dead lettering
    public int PrefetchCount => 50; //Increase perfomance by fetching more messages at once

Sending Messages

var client = new ServiceBus(new ServiceBusConfiguration(serviceBusConnection));
//Send some Commands
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    await client.SendAsync(new SampleCommand { Message = "Hello from message " + i.ToString() });


You can find all current examples at our GitHub repository https://github.com/BookBeat/knightbus/tree/master/knightbus/examples